Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Walking business

Dear Ava,

This whole walking thing is very strange. First of all, when I got home today you walked to the front door when you saw me. Walked!

Second, you just walked into your bedroom to play with toys. Walked!

Third, when I put you down a few minutes ago, you didn't want to go down into a sitting position, but instead extended your legs and took off walking from where I put you. There are fewer gaps of monkey-scoot between strides. I'm going to miss that monkey-scoot of yours when it goes.

My friend Victoria commented recently that kids (including her 18 month old Ian) just look different when they start walking. I agree, you look taller and smaller and just, well, older or wiser somehow.

You still hold your hands in "stick 'em up" pose, so you walk around looking like a baby cactus. You used to sleep like a baby cactus when you were a month or two old, now you walk like a baby cactus.

It's just strange, really, this whole walking business. Next you're going to start calling me to pick you up from the mall. Where has my little girl gone?


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