Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Lounging in the morning

Hi little one,

The mornings I am home with you are my favorite mornings of all. There's no rush, no hurry, we lounge around in bed with you sitting, flopping back, flopping on me, pulling yourself up with the metal headboard.

This morning was like this; you slept with me last night because I was feeling selfish. I was gone from 7AM until 9PM last night; I missed you and wanted you close.

Your chirps and short cries woke me, I opened my eyes and you were staring at me with your big brown ojos. I smiled, you smiled, then you leaned over to bite my nose. You were fascinated with my hair, picking it up and running it through you fingers. Soon enough, I promise, your hair will be as long as mine.

We lounged for at least half an hour, the TV dark and silent, the morning completely ours with no distractions. We played a quick game of modified peek-a-boo where I hid my face under the sheet and you "found me."

Now, you are about ready for a nap, evident by the whine, and from the obvious smell you could use a clean diaper. I better get to that...


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