Saturday, July 09, 2005

Who's the fairest?

Right now, my little girl, you are swinging your hips to Hall and Oats "Out of Time" while holding onto the pole of a floor-to-ceiling lamp. There's a mirror in front of you, and I swear you are kissing your reflection.

One of your favorite things to do is find your Dadada's camelback water pack and drink out of the blue straw tube. I don't believe you're always thirsty, but you can never be too hydrated.

You stands in moments, solid for about ten seconds before falling backwards onto your behind or forward to grab onto something. Balance, you are learning about balance. You watched me do a yoga half moon pose and started laughing. I bet it did look really funny to see me balancing on one foot, one arm, with my other appendages up in the air. I was shaky too, I'm also learning about balannce.

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