Now that I've written what you're doing at 22 months, I have noticed a couple new things.
When you are ready to eat, you say "eat" and climb into your highchair. At first this was a little startling, but now it's funny. It's also great because Daddy and I aren't good with subtlety.
You are getting a bit pickier about what you'll eat, but scrambled eggs, bananas, cheese, and carrots are Ava-pleasers. You sometimes will eat a bite of cauliflower and the tiniest bite of broccoli. Not often though. You don't like ground beef or any other sort of beef. Your Daddy says I've corrupted you because I don't like beef either. I respond, yes, I am so sorry to be saving her from the perils of mass-produced who-knows-what-fed beef. I'm so sorry!
You know exactly one color: pink. I show you other colors, and then ask you, "Color?" You always respond "pink." If life is good seen through rose-colored glasses, I bet it's just as good when the world is pink.
You know how to put on your own socks! I watched you take off your socks, I looked again and one was back on your foot! You looked at me and were about to hand me your other sock to put on, but I said I wanted to see you do it. Sure enough you got it over your foot and pulled it all the way up!
You can also put on shoes! Not your super-cool pink and orange shoes, but your black casual mary janes. You took these out of your armoire this morning, put them on, and then modeled them naked for us. Being that this is a family blog, I opted not to post nudie shots of you just yet and posted the image of you partially dressed instead. Yes, the shoes are on backwards but you didn't seem to mind.

This morning we visited a parent-run co-op daycare which was quite an adventure! The people were nice, fine for me, perhaps a bit left for Daddy. Either that or the tofu and sauteed veggies for lunch scared him off. We are not quite ready to leave you with other parents just yet - our rule from when you were born was daycare only after you were old enough to tell us what happened during the day.
You should be waking from your nap any minute. I love you stinky-dink!
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