Sunday, September 26, 2021

Decisions, October 26, 2012

Hi Sweet Girl,

Well, we sit at a cross roads of whether we catapult you into possible fame, or gently lead you down the path, both of which, I might add, are a gamble.

You've completed 5 weeks of training in acting, modeling, and the like.  You've auditioned, and been accepted into a really large audition-like event in January where something like a kazillion agents will be present to witness you (and a kazillion other kids) act, model, dance, and sing.

Daddy and I have included you in this decision, asking the question a dozen different ways, to ascertain how important this is to you, given that you were the one who asked to start this process which lead us to your first audition for the school.  Yep, they loved you, one of ten picked out of a group of over 100 kids.  They looked at you, at me, at Daddy, talked to us, and said yes, you're in (because along with a talented kid, they want smart, savvy parents who aren't desperate).

So that's the decision, headshots and a bit of training under all of our belts, whether we take the catapult (and spend a big chunk of money) or the slow road.

The kind folks at the school see your big talent as acting - being cute, precocious, of nationalities so mixed your skin color is a golden tawny brown.  You are also at a huge advantage, pun intended, because you are 8, but in the petite frame of a girl two years younger.

When Daddy and I started this adventure, inspired and motivated by you, we thought local.  A lot of catalog and photo work happens in our lovely bay area, and requires no travel to the south end of our State.  But TV?  Film?  Eh gads, how many airplanes would we board to audition?  How does that impact our quality of life?  How much does that cut into our precious idle time where we get to stay in PJ's all day because we can?

So I asked you this morning, en route to school, another variation on my same theme of "how important is this to you, love?" ... this time it was phrased "Of taking pictures or doing commercials, how often would you want this to happen?  How many times a week or a month?"

"Once a week," you replied.

So I take this bit of info, file it along with the commercial you practiced this morning, just because, along with the 5 all-day classes on Sundays that you never once complained about, never once resisted getting up and driving 45 minutes to the east bay, to your enthusiasm when you announced your slate (or whatever you do with your slate, acting isn't a language I speak!), and stood on your mark, and charmed the heck out of three judges.

And I think, oh man, I just don't want Hollywood to suck the life out of you.  I know it's my job, and Daddy's job to keep your feet on the ground, to remind you of what is essentially Ava, the core of abundance and goodness and 8-year-old-ness.  To make sure that school comes first, and this is just an after school activity, not a full time career.

So today, I've asked the Universe to make the answer abundantly clear - catapult or  saunter? 

And I hope, whatever the decision, you understand it in a dozen years when you ask.


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