Thursday, September 04, 2008


Hi Sweetie,

A dozen times a week I notice something you say or do and think I want to write about it here, now, before you stop saying and doing such wonderful spontaneous Ava-things. But alas, I'm human and bogged down by the limitations of physical time and space and sometimes I write them down but not always.

You started in the big big girl pre-K class at your school a couple weeks ago. New teachers that don't adore you on sight (yet) but most of the same friends as your last class. Along with the move to the new class there are no longer three teachers 'fighting' to be the chosen one to hold you momentarily as I walk away. Momentarily, because you run to the windows to give your trademark two arm one leg wave, which I gleefully return, not concerned in the slightest at decorum or propriety of a grown woman looking silly.

Yesterday we saw a picture of a caterpillar in one of your books and you told me, quite insistently, that a caterpillar goes into a racoon to become a butterfly. You were so sincere, I really didn't want to tell you that it's a 'cocoon' not a 'racoon' but I absolutely loved it.

Other Ava-quotes from a couple weeks ago:

"Mommy, when I grow up bigger like you I could hold a cat. A little cat."

You: "Mommy, baby rabbit doesn't want to go to sleep."
Me: "Maybe she's not tired."
You: "Yes she is!"

"Do you want to do the shaking all over dance?"
Yes, absolutely, yes. How would I not want to do the shaking all over dance?

Speaking of dancing, for a couple weeks you originated a "Sun Dance" that was a flowing yoga-ish modern expressionist dance with waving arms and body. Absolutely beautifully hilarious, especially with the serious look on your face.

Alas, I'm hit by that time/space crunch and need to go fetch you from school.

I love you,
one hundred thousand one hundred thousand
(and that's A LOT)


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