Saturday, November 18, 2006

Diki-diki da-da and more Ava quotes

Due not to popular demand, but more because I wrote these down so I'd remember, I have more to add after your 31-month post.

You sing this often, without provocation, as you are going about your daily toddler routine. Sometimes I spontaneously sing it and it makes you laugh outrageously, perhaps because I am speaking to you in your language, even if I don't have a tiny clue as to what it means.

"Go to the snow and see Grandma Bear"
I told you yesterday that we have three more days before we go to the snow, "Boots!" you replied, meaning your brand new snow boots had better be coming too or there would be one upset toddler. Then you told Daddy "go to the snow and see Grandma Bear!"

"Here comes Ava!"
I don't know where this came from, this declaration that you're coming down the stairs into the family room, or into the house, but you say this frequently and it always makes me grin.

"The mommys has to do it"
This one is going to get me into trouble soon, because when Daddy tries to help you do something...anything...from changing your diaper to putting you in your car seat and I'm around, you respond with..."the mommys has to do it" Someday soon, honey, mommy is going to be tired!

"Yay, I did it!"
I'm not sure what you did, but you definitely did IT!


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