Saturday, September 16, 2006

Mommy & Ava Day

Hi honey,

You're taking a late nap today and if you're not awake by the time I finish writing I'll plant kisses on your warm flushed cheeks until your eyes flutter open.

Yesterday we had a Mommy and Ava day. Before you were around there used to be Julie days where I would go off on some brilliant adventure near or far, but now, there is you, so there is us, and there are Mommy and Ava days.

I asked you whether you wanted to go to the zoo or to the Discovery museum. Zoo! Zoo! Monkeys! G-affes!

So we went to the zoo. We saw all manner of things animal and bird like, and you greeted each animal in turn
"Hi tiger!"
"Mommy I see the tiger!"
"Bye-bye tiger!"

We rode on the train, shared a ride on a carousel horse, waved at penguins, bears, lions, rhinos, hippos and lots of peacocks. For the first time I didn't bring a stroller and you walked all over the zoo pausing to ride on my shoulders when you wanted to see better.

All in all, a wonderous Mommy and Ava day. Let's plan more.

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