Oh my gosh, little one, you are growing in all directions! You are taller, yes, but you are smarter too. You keep putting together new words and suprising the pants off of Daddy and me. You have also started speaking in a foreign babble-baby language that is quite fun and endearing. I join in and you think this is hysterical.
Your laughter, well, the cliche is that laughter is the best medicine, and to me your laughter is ambrosia. The other day we were driving somewhere and you said "Car!" so I said "car" - we volleyed "car" back and forth until we both started laughing. I often ask you to say words just because I love hearing your voice. We have a :moving things" game where I say words and you repeat. Car, boat, plane, truck, bike, and ROCKET! We both say ROCKET with such blast-off enthusiasm that it deserves the ill-reputed all caps in the blog.
We also play another car game where I open the mirror on my car visor and say Hi Ava! You mostly respond "Hi Mommy" but sometimes you say "Hi Julie!" I do not know where you learned my name is Julie, but this is quite funny. Daddy heard you the other day and asked, increduously, "did she just call you Julie?"
Someone told me once that by age two you should have about twenty words in your vocabulary. I think you have too many to count. My favorites though are "thank you welcome" and "more please." I also love all of your animal sounds, especially "ribbit" which anyone that is anyone knows is what a frog says.
You have found your one true beloved toy: your moose. Today you wouldn't lie down without Moose and I swear it took us both looking for 30 minutes to find him on the wall near the toilet. We walked around calling "Moose!" and you were earnest in your search for your favorite toy. Someday I knew this would happen, not the Moose adoption, but that I would spend a sizeable chunk of time looking for a toy of some sort. That's just the way parenting goes.
You love watching the Yoga Kids videos I've bought to figure out how to teach yoga to kids. "Watch yoga" are words that get you happy and excited. The first time I the video finished you looked at me and said "more please yoga." Seriously! I'm not making this stuff up!
Your video and TV favorites still are Nemo, Bear and the Big Blue House (which you just call "House" as in "watch house!!!") and Elmo from Sesame Street. You have recently adopted Monsters Inc among your favorite, but you call it "Cookie Monster" because, to you obviously, Sully looks like Cookie Monster from Sesame Street. This week alone I've watched Monsters Inc four times. No matter, I love that movie.
Your awareness has expanded. I know this because you laugh at funny parts on TV, and I mean the bits that I think are funny!
We see bits and pieces of those two year old tantrums, but nothing so big that a good distraction doesn't cure you. You oscillate between fierce independence and Mommy-don't-you-dare-leave-my-sight. I don't wonder about that independence with Daddy and me for parents there's no doubt you got it from both of us.
We are running into the times of the Naked Baby. Yesterday you refused to put on a shirt. After trying every trick I could remember including you choose the shirt and putting the shirt on my own head I let you be while I made lunch for the zoo. I made egg salad sandwiches, cut in triangles (because squares are so last week) and wondered if you would eat egg salad. (Not to skip ahead, but you loved it!) I chatted with Becky while I made egg salad and she gave me suggestions for remedying the shirt aversion. "Have you tried the 'we're going to the ZOO so let's put on a shirt' routine?"
No! I forgot about the subtle diversion with emphasis on Zoo tactic. It worked too!
Today you didn't want to wear any clothes, not even ones you put on yourself, so I let you wander around naked while I took a shower. I figured worst case I'd have to clean up pee but as a side bonus you'd realize that pee comes out between your legs and I could then invite you to use your training toilet. Nope, no pee to clean up and no spontaneous toilet training session either, but after my shower you were willing to wear clothes although you did have to put them on yourself.
A bit about naps, my love. They're good things, not things to be avoided like last week's leftovers. I know you must think you're missing out on something wonderful by not napping, but really, it's not true. Some days you crash hard (like yesterday after a 3 hour walk around the zoo!) and other days you resist until you are a crabby cranky mess. Kitten, even the kitty cats love naps.
Anyway....you are napping now, at 5PM and I wonder if you're calling it a night again. Kate, your favorite babysitter of all times said you just fell asleep before I got home. Maybe this is a little gift from the nap fairy and I can have a precious few moments to myself tonight before Daddy comes home tomorrow morning. We've had a fun week being Single Mom and Ava but I'm glad he's home tomorrow.
I love you sweet girl,
Oh my gosh! The cutest picture ever!!
Oh my gosh! The cutest picture ever!!
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