Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Little Einsteins makes kids smarter

Hi little one,

Yesterday you were watching your latest favorite movie, the Little Einstein's HUGE Adventure, and when the little caterpillar climbed up the tree and made his cocoon I said, "Look, he's in a sleeping bag!"

You replied, with the wisdom of a three year old,

"No, it's not a sleeping bag, it's a metamorphosis!"

I stand, stunned, corrected.

your mommy
who's intelligence pales in comparison to yours

Monday, July 09, 2007


Hi my little love,

I just noticed that it was two years ago this month that I started this blog for us, and as I began reading the first posting July 2005, I was deeply grateful that I wrote those words, so much so, that I want to write more words now.

You are such a big girl, so big that when Daddy teases you and says you're a baby, you object, saying "NO I'm a BIG GIRL!" Even recently you've abandoned our traditional naked baby dance/naked jumping dance before taking a bath for the one legged yoga dancer/flamingo pose.

You love bath time, to be sure, and sometimes you convince me to join you so I can add more hot water and make it go in circles to warm up the cooler water. You like to do things, like wash, "all by yourself" and I do wonder where you learned that phrase.

You know all of your numbers up to twenty in English and Spanish, you can recognize all of them up to 9 (the 1 and 0 together still don't make ten). You know all your letters by sight although occasionally trip over G and Q. You know all your colors in English and some in Spanish. You say "ayudame" for help and "mariposa" for butterfly. You understood your teachers at your Spanish school with "no problemo" after a month.

You love your plush animals...Doggie is your predictable favorite, and even has his own blanket - the white one with yellow ducks. Last night he couldn't go to bed, or you either, until we found his blanket. Little rabbit had to have her blanket too, and you had to have yours. Then we laid down in "Mommy and Daddy's bed" because Daddy was away and you said I could sleep with Rabbit and you would sleep with Doggie.

Sometimes I'll ask you do do something, like put your coat on your bed, and to my shock you do it! Other times you throw your shoes on the ground and tell me to pick them up. This is only predictable because you're three.

You love Mater from the movie Cars, and love it when Daddy "does like Mater" and winks, saying "I'm keeping my eye on you."

And on the fourth of July when we were swimming at our friends' house in San Jose, you decided you wanted to jump in the pool. You had the super-cool water wings on your arms and you walked past the side of the pool right onto the diving board. Yep, your first jump into the great big swimming pool was from there, into Daddy's waiting arm (the other was holding onto the side - you were in the deep end!).

But it's time for me to go...for now.

I love you,
more than there is water in the ocean,
more than there is blue in the sky.


Thank you notes

It says:
Thanks Grandma Bear!
I love my school dresses and
wear them all the time.
