Happy Halloween, my sweet mermaid!
On April 5th, 2004 I gave birth to my daughter, Ava Jasmine. Before I had even met her father, I wanted to write "letters to my daughter" which were going to be lessons, ideas, things I've learned from life. Now, there is someone for me to write to, and maybe it will be lessons I've learned, or maybe it will be lessons she's taught me.
Happy Halloween, my sweet mermaid!
October 2004, Ava at 6 months
You got to see people out there who remembered you from our last visit a year ago, who marveled at the walking baby that had replaced the one who I previously carried about in the infant carrier. A couple were salivating over you, not because they wanted a baby, but because they wanted a grandbaby.
You also loved the digital camera, and wanted to see the "baby" every time someone, anyone took a picture of you.
You also had a great time "driving" the boat as we took pictures to send to Dah-DEE. Obviously in this shot you are looking to make sure there are no other boats in the way before you merge left.
Grandma Bear took good care of us. Going to visit her is like a vacation from a vacation. Mah-MEE's mobile phone with mobile email doesn't work high up in the mountains of Colorado (probably one of the last places on earth it doesn't) so Mah-MEE really gets to relax. Every morning Grandma Bear asks "what should we have for dinner?" and lists all of the meat in her well stocked freezer. I missed her for that when I got home and had to ask myself that question. I missed her for a lot more than that also.
Your Grandma Bear, she's great. Her heart is big and full of love for us. Someday I'll tell you the story of how I named her Grandma Bear, but not today.
I love you Ava,
And we all love you, Grandma Bear.
We are waiting for our flight and I have just taught Ava what an airplane is.
Every 5 min I ask her, Ava where is the airplane?
It's my inside joke, like when we went to see March of the Penguins and I asked her "where is the penguin?"